CS2: XP Overload Guide

CS2 - XP Overload Guide
CS2 - XP Overload Guide

The XP overload (EP overload) status is linked to the first major CS2 update has been added to the game. The status is intended to reward active players by displaying an icon next to their name when they collect enough experience points in a week.

What exactly is XP overload (EP overload)?

The XP Overload Status is intended to revive the somewhat forgotten XP system.

XP Overload is a status, or rather an icon, that you receive when you have earned the full weekly experience points. After that, as before, you will only receive reduced XP. However, you have now reached XP Overload status and have an icon to show for it.

Once you have earned the status, you keep it for at least one week. You can renew the status every new week, so theoretically you can keep the XP Overload indefinitely. Valve has also announced that the icon will improve if you keep the status for several weeks in a row.

The XP Overload status is displayed in the scoreboard and in the main menu to the left of your name.


Originally, the XP overload icon was also displayed in the kill feed, which many players criticized. Valve reacted quickly and removed the icon from the kill feed one day after the update.

Patch notes 06.02.2024 & Patch notes 07.02.2024

XP Overload Icon
XP Overload Icon

When exactly do you get the XP Overload status?

You can earn the XP Overload status by earning the weekly XP in full. Strictly speaking, you need to earn 11,166 XP in a week to achieve XP Overload status. This is exactly the point at which you also receive reduced experience points.

To collect the 11,166 XP for the XP Overload status, you must win 204 matchmaking rounds in a week. If you only win, you would have to play 16 matchmaking games in a week to achieve the status. Of course you can also play other modes, such as the Arms Race modeplay to collect XP, but most CS2 players play matchmaking for the most part.

What does the XP Overload icon look like after the improvement?

The XP Overload icon changes its appearance slightly for each week of the streak. It is comparable to the merit medals that can be leveled up. The fact that the icon continues to change during a streak means that everyone can see at a glance how high a player's streak is.

Is there a limit to the Streak?

There is currently no information from Valve as to whether there will be a limit for the XP Overload Streak. We cannot imagine that there will be a limit, as it could demotivate many players to build up a streak in the first place.

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