In this article, we will show you how to find out what percentage of blue your own Case Hardened skin has and then explain how this affects the market value of your skin.
How do I find out how much blue my skin has?
Determining the amount of blue in your Case Hardened Skin is the key to determining its value. Case hardened skins are divided into different categories, so-called tiers, depending on the proportion of blue and, in the case of AK Case Hardened, also on the position of the blue. This is where the Pattern Index of your skin into play.

You can look up the pattern index of your skin in a table that shows the assignment to the different tiers. You will then know which category your skin is in and can determine the approximate price based on this.
A complete table with all pattern indices for the AK-47 Case Hardened, Mac-10 and Five-SeveN Case Hardened can be found here:
- AK-47 Case Hardened Tier Table (incl. Blue Gem)
- Mac-10 Case Hardened Tier Table (incl. Blue Gem)
- Five-SeveN Case Hardened Tier Table (incl. Blue Gem)
An article with tables of all Case Hardened knives including their Blue Gem patterns can be found here: "Case Hardened Knife Tier List (Each Pattern Index)"
If you want to find out the exact amount of blue in your skin, there are of course other options. For example, you could look at csmoney and look in your inventory, the page will then show you the exact percentage of blue.
Of course, you could also calculate the proportion of blue yourself using tools such as Photoshop. However, this effort is rarely worthwhile, as you can find enough information about your own skins on the Internet, for example through animal lists, trading websites or browser extensions.

From how much blue/ which tier do I overpay for Case Hardened skins?
The question of overpay depends heavily on the specific weapon or blade type. Case hardened skins have different challenges in achieving a high blue percentage, and this varies significantly depending on the model.
Take, for example, the M9 Bayonet compared to the normal Bayonet. The M9 Bayonet is known for having less blue in general. As a result, M9 Bayonet Case Hardened skins with a high blue content tend to be rarer and more sought after. However, this also means that M9 Bayonets with less blue are worth more than Bayonets with less blue, for example.

For this reason, you should always keep the specific weapon or knife in mind when considering overpaying. In the next section, we will give you a guideline on how much you should roughly overpay.
How much you should overpay
Once you have found out the amount of blue or the animal of your skin, you can use the following values as a guideline:
Price | Blue part / animal |
Market price | 5-10% Blue component (normal) |
Market price + approx. 5% | 10-15% Blue content (Tier 3-4) |
Market price + approx. 10-50% | 15-30% Blue component (Tier 2-3) |
Market price + 50-250% | 30-50% Blue component (Tier 1-2) |
Indeterminable (market price + 250% upwards) | 50-100% Blue portion (Tier 1 Blue Gem) |
The more blue a case hardened skin has, the more difficult it is to estimate the exact price. The prices do not increase linearly, but rather exponentially with the blue content.

The most sought-after Blue Gems in particular, such as a Karambit Oceano, reach unbelievable prices on the market. With a Value of about 1.5 million dollars this outstanding karambit stands out from other Case Hardened skins due to its completely blue playside.