The CS2 Ranked System explained (comparison to CS:GO)

The CS2 Ranked System explained

In CS2 there is the Premium mode, in which players vote on the map they play and receive points to identify their rank. There is also the competition mode, where players can freely decide which map they want to play and receive a rank for each individual map, as in CS:GO.

CS2 Ranked System

Compared to CS:GO, another ranked mode was added in CS2 and the old ranks were limited to the individual maps.


In Premium mode, the teams can always take it in turns to vote on which map should not be played until only one map remains, which is then played. The ranks in this mode are very simple divided according to points.

CS2 ranks by points and color
CS2 ranks by points and color

Players can see directly after the game how many points they have won/lost in this game. The big advantage of this mode is that players can always keep an eye on their progress.


The competitive mode works almost exactly the same as in CS:GO, the player can choose exactly which map he wants to play. There are ranks from Silver 1 to Global Elite, but in CS2 the ranks are awarded individually for each map and no longer one rank for all maps together as was the case in CS:GO.


The wingman ranks have not changed in CS2, there are still the ranks from CS:GO and they are still awarded for all maps at the same time. 

Which maps are available in Premium Ranked?

The CS2 Premium Map Pool currently includes the following maps:

  • Anubis 
  • Inferno
  • Mirage
  • Vertigo
  • Overpass
  • Nuke
  • Ancient

When will the maps in the Premium competition be changed?

The premium mode is intended to imitate professional CS2 play. For this reason, the map pool is based on the professional maps. If the map pool of the professional players in the tournaments is changed, the premium map pool will most likely also be changed.

However, it may take some time before new maps for the professional sector are ready. The old maps must first be adapted for CS2 and tested extensively before professionals can play them.

What are the points converted into the old ranks? (comparison)

Leetify has analyzed the relationship between the old ranks in CS:GO and the new ranks in CS2 Premium. They came to the following conclusion about how the ranks from CS:GO and CS2 compare:

CS:GO RankCS2 Points
S1 - SEM (Silver)1000 – 1999
GN1 - GNM (Gold Nova)2000 – 5999
MG1 - MGE (Master Guardian)6000 – 8999
DMG - LEM9000 – 12999
Supreme13000 – 14999
Global Elite15000+
en_USEnglish (United States)