The best sound settings in CS2 (How the pros play)

The correct CS2 audio settings

The correct sound settings for CS2 are essential. With the correct settings, significantly more information about the position of opponents can be obtained than with incorrect sound settings.

The professionals use these sound settings in CS2

  • Total volume – 100%
  • Audio device - Standard device
  • EQ profile - Clear
  • L/R isolation – 0%
  • Perspective correction - Yes
  • Activate voice chat - Push-To-Talk
  • Volume for voice chats – 100%
  • Simplified Push-To-Talk - No
  • Play sound when playing minimized - No
The best sound settings in CS2
The best sound settings in CS2

The overall volume should be set so that everything in the game can be heard clearly but is not too loud. The EQ profile on Clear helps to hear the sounds of opponents better. The L/R Isolation option on "0%" and the perspective correction on "Yes" ensure that the sound comes from a realistic right angle. If you experience lag when speaking in voice chat, you can set the Simplified Push-To-Talk setting to "Yes".

Music settings:

  • Volume in the main menu – 5%
  • Volume at the start of the round – 0%
  • Volume during action – 0%
  • Volume at the end of the round – 0%
  • Volume for the best player's anthem – 0%
  • Volume for bomb disposal/hostage rescue – 0%
  • Volume of the ten-second warning – 20%
  • Volume after death – 0%
  • Mute the best player's anthem if players are on both teams - Yes
The best music settings in CS2
The best music settings in CS2

Most of the music settings are set to 0%, as they can only be distracting but do not provide any important information for the player. The only setting that brings an advantage to the game is the ten-second warning. It helps to recognize how much time is left until the bomb explodes, especially if you are further away from the bomb.

Where are the sound settings changed in CS2? (step by step)

To set up your sound correctly in CS2, follow the steps below:

  1. Open the CS2 settings
  2. Navigate to the tab Audio
  3. Make all the necessary settings (as described in the section above)
  4. Close the settings

In addition to the audio settings, many other settings in CS2 are also important. To find out the best settings, click here: The best settings in CS2 (professional settings)
