CS2 Sticker Guide: Everything you need to know about stickers

Stickers in CS2 (Guide)
Stickers in CS2 (Guide)

Each sticker has its own market value and can be placed in individual positions on each weapon. As soon as a sticker is attached to a weapon, the sticker loses most of its market value, as it can no longer be removed without destroying it.

How does the price of a skin change when stickers are applied?

Attaching a sticker to a weapon renders it almost completely worthless. This is due to the fact that this sticker is then no longer an independent item and can never be removed from the weapon without destroying it.

Each sticker loses approx. 96.5 % of its value when affixed to a weapon. For example, if you have a sticker worth €100 and put it on one of your guns, it will only be worth around €3.5 afterwards. This means you can probably sell the gun for the average market price plus €3.5.

What influences the positioning of the sticker on the weapon?

Each weapon has four different positions on which stickers can be attached; the position of the stickers has no influence on the value loss of the sticker. 

You can only see the sticker better in some positions than in others, as the positions are partially covered by the player model.

Update 06.02.2024:

Through the "A Call To Arms" Update it is now possible to attach stickers to individual positions. The update also allows five stickers to be attached to each weapon.

You can find all the changes that have been made to stickers as a result of the update in this article: CS2 Sticker Update

Patch notes 06.02.2024

CS2 concealed sticker position on Glock-18
CS2 concealed sticker position on Glock-18

How much to overpay for weapons with stickers?

If you want to purchase a weapon that has stickers attached, you should generally maximum 5 % of the sticker price as a surcharge on the price of the weapon. 

Our recommendation is a maximum of 3.5 % of the sticker price.

Of course it is best to as little as possible to overpay, you can often get guns with stickers for the market price. You should be really sure that you want the sticker on the weapon and you should definitely not overpay too much, otherwise you will realize a loss when you want to sell the weapon again.

Should I put stickers on my skin?

Whether you want to put stickers on your gun is up to you.

On the one hand, stickers can enhance the appearance of the weapon, especially with a matching sticker combo of four identical or matching stickers.

On the other hand, the stickers lose a lot of their value when they are applied.

It is therefore a trade-off between the monetary loss and the appearance of the skin. For stickers in the penny range, this is of course still relatively unimportant, as you can remove the stickers at any time. However, you should think carefully about whether you want to apply stickers that are worth a lot of money.

AK-47 Redline sticker combo - 4x iBuyPower
AK-47 Redline sticker combo - 4x iBuyPower

What is the most expensive sticker in CS2?

The most expensive sticker in CS2 is the Titan (Holo) | Katowice (2014) with a value of approximately 80,000 dollars

Closely followed by the iBUYPOWER (Holo) | Katowice (2014) with a value of approx. 70,000 dollars.

These stickers are so incredibly expensive because they are very old and date back to the early days of CS:GO. What's more, they are now very rare. The reasons for this are:

  • There are almost no sticker capsules from Katowice 2014 left
  • The sticker capsules are no longer dropped
  • Back then, CS:GO wasn't that big and there generally weren't that many capsules being opened
  • Accounts with these stickers have been lost over time
  • Over the course of time, the stickers were attached to weapons (some of them were also scraped and thus destroyed)
The most expensive CS2 stickers - Titan (Holo) Katowice (2014) and iBUYPOWER (Holo) Katowice (2014)
The most expensive CS2 stickers - Titan (Holo) Katowice (2014) and iBUYPOWER (Holo) Katowice (2014)

How much is the most expensive sticker on a gun still worth?

Even the most expensive sticker is not excluded from the loss of value due to the application of stickers. A weapon with a Titan (Holo) | Katowice (2014) is worth around 2,500 dollars plus the skin price. So even a titanium halo loses a lot of value and is still worth around 3.5 % of the original 80,000 dollars after being attached.

Why should you scrape stickers?

There is only one reason why you should scrap stickers from a weapon. This reason is that you no longer want the sticker on the weapon. 

If the sticker is only worth a few cents, that's no problem at all. However, if the sticker has a higher value, you should consider whether you'd rather use the Sell skin above market value and then buy the same skin again without the sticker.

Remove CS2 sticker
Remove CS2 sticker

FAQ - Frequently asked questions about stickers in CS2

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