When will there be a new CS operation (First CS2 operation) 

New operation in CS2

CS2 will get a new operation as soon as Valve has brought CS2 into a stable state. Currently, resources are still being used to fix bugs in CS2. Once all major bugs have been fixed, Valve will start developing new content in the form of operations.

No one can say exactly how long this will take. Presumably the next Operation will already be in the planning stage and it shouldn't be too long before it is released. CS2 has been released for some time now and Valve has had plenty of time to fix bugs.

Past operations and their release date

The only way we have to estimate when a new operation will come out is to past operations to look at:

OperationPublication dateDuration
Operation RiptideSeptember 20215 months
Operation Broken FangDecember 20205 months
Operation Shattered WebNovember 20194 ½ months
Operation HydraMay 20175 ½ months
Operation WildfireFebruary 20165 months
Operation BloodhoundMay 20154 months
Operation VanguardNovember 20144 months
Operation BreakoutJuly 20143 months
Operation PhoenixFebruary 20144 ½ months
Operation BravoSeptember 20135 ½ months
Operation PaybackApril 20135 months

This shows that the speed of new operations has decreased significantly, especially in recent years. This could be due to the development of CS2. Should Valve no longer have so much to do with CS2, we may even be lucky enough for Valve to have enough time to release a new operation twice a year.

en_USEnglish (United States)