Slaughter skins are only available in the states brand new, minimal signs of wear and field-tested. The Slaughter texture contains many different variants, which are shown by different pattern indices. The Slaughter variants include the patterns: "Diamond", "Heart", "Dogbone", "Phoenix" and "Angel".
Why is the Slaughter Pattern so special?
The Slaughter Pattern is very special due to the many different possibilities. The pattern texture is very unique and every knife in Counter Strike has the Slaughter Skin. In addition, the Slaughter Skin Float-Capped between the values 0.01 and 0.26. This means that the Condition of this skin only goes from Factory New to Field-Tested.
The enormous Number of players in Counter StrikeOver time, different names have been given to the various Slaughter patterns. Some of the pattern names are very bizarre, which is why we will now show you and explain all the important and noteworthy patterns.
Slaughter Pattern explained
We explain the Slaughter Pattern using an example. Let's take the Slaughter Diamond pattern. As the name suggests, this pattern has a diamond on the blade, which makes it rare. This pattern becomes even rarer and more valuable if the diamond is also in the middle of the blade of the knife.
However, this is just one pattern of many. There is also the Diamond and Heart pattern. It is a combination of the Diamond Pattern and the Heart Pattern. In this combination, this pattern is very rare and valuable.

The most common patterns are: Zebra Pattern, Dogbone Pattern, Phoenix Pattern and Angel Pattern. The rare Slaughter Patterns include: Heart Pattern, Diamond Pattern and Diamond & Heart Pattern.
Finally, a little tip from us: If you are not sure whether your Slaughter Skin has one of these patterns, contact someone with a lot of experience and have your knife assessed. If necessary, you can go to official pages inform.
Attention! Send your knife never and always get several reviews. There are always people on the Internet who want to harm you.
Slaughter Zebra Pattern

Slaughter Phoenix/Angel Pattern
Many people confuse this pattern with the Angel pattern. However, in the Phoenix pattern, only the outer line of the pattern is visible. In the Angel pattern, it would be the entire surface. The two pictures below make the difference clear. Many people also refer to the Phoenix pattern as the upside-down angel.

Slaughter Heart Pattern

Slaughter Diamond Pattern
As already explained in the example above, it is important to see a complete diamond in this pattern. As can be seen in the picture below, this diamond should ideally be in the middle.

Slaughter Diamond & Heart

Animal | Pattern indices |
1 | 37, 120, 290, 335, 402, 666, 693, 727, 881 |
2 | 7, 9, 97, 291, 294, 386, 515, 647, 698, 842, 955, 969 |
Slaughter Double Diamond & Heart Pattern

Animal | Pattern-Inidces |
1 | 90, 124, 652 |
1 | 216, 280, 331, 385, 447, 699, 846, 959 |
Slaughter Diamond & Double Heart Pattern

Animal | Pattern indices |
1 | 2, 32, 566, 753, 765, 916, 996 |
2 | 129, 285, 303, 592, 754, 828 |