CS2: What is known about the Kukri knife (CS2 knife leak)

CS2 - What is known about the Kukri knife (CS2 knife leak)
CS2 - What is known about the Kukri knife (CS2 knife leak)


The Kukri knife is equipped with the first major CS2 update has been added to the game. You can find all further information about the Kukri knife here: CS2 weapon box "Kilowatt": Kukri knife and Zeus skin

The Kukri Knife will most likely be added to the game with the first CS2 crate. Since the release of CS2, files for the Kukri Knife have been leaked after several updates, so it seems likely that the knife will soon appear in CS2.

What we know about the Kukri knife

Initially, only the model was found in the CS2 files, but later updates also included animations for the new Kukri knife. For this reason, it is reasonable to assume that the Kukri knife in the first CS2 box is published, which could soon be the case.

Presumably the Kukri knife will be released with the "standard" skins first and then possibly get additional skin variants later through further crates. The "standard" skins, which almost every knife in CS2 and therefore presumably also the Kukri knife will have, are as follows:

How you can already view the Kukri knife in CS2

To be able to try out the Kukri knife in CS2 now, you first need to know how to you open the developer console in CS2. Once you know how to open the console, follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Open the developer console
  • Step 2: Give the command sv_cheats 1 in the console
  • Step 3: Give the command mp_drop_knife_enable 1 in the console
  • Step 4: Close the developer console
  • Step 5: Throw away your knife (button "G" by default)
  • Step 6: Aim at the knife lying on the ground
  • Step 7: Open the developer console again
  • Step 8: Give the command subclass_change 526 in the console
  • Step 9: Close the console and pick up the Kukri knife
Kukri knives can already be viewed in CS2 via console command
Kukri knives can already be viewed in CS2 via console command

TrilluXe explains another way to try out the Kukri knife in CS2 in one of his latest videos. The advantage of his method is that you can even look at skins on the Kukri knife. You can find TrilluXe's video here here.

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