CS2 Level Guide: Everything about experience points (XP) in CS2

CS2 Level Guide - All about experience points (XP) in CS2
CS2 Level Guide - All about experience points (XP) in CS2

By playing the various game modes, each player collects experience points with the aim of leveling up their profile level. Although the rank of a player is independent of the competition rank, a profile level of "Private Rank 3" is required to play the competition or premier mode. You will receive rewards for leveling up and a special medal at level 40.

What is the fastest way to earn XP in CS2?  

The fastest way to gain experience, other than the Competitive and Premier game modes, is the Casual mode. Casual mode has the highest XP multiplier, which is the fastest way to reach level 3 "Private Rank 3".

ModeExperience points
Arms Race1.0x Score
Casual game (Casual)4.0x Score
Competition (Competitive)30x rounds won
Deathmatch (Standard)0.2x score
Deathmatch (teams against teams)3x own score
Demolition2.5x score
Flying Scoutsman4.0x Score
Wingman15x rounds won

Tip: If you leave a game in the middle, you will not receive any experience points for the time played!

All CS2 levels at a glance

There are a total of 40 levels that you can reach. From the first level "Recruit Rank 1" to the last level "Global General 40". You need exactly 5,000 XP points for each level, which you earn by playing the various game modes. By leveling up your profile level, you will receive a one-off Supply package as a reward. As soon as you reach level 40, you can earn a Medal of Merit for the current year.

ImageRankXP per levelXP total
Recruit Rank 1Recruit Rank 15,000 XP0 XP
Private Rank 2Private Rank 25,000 XP5,000 XP
Private Rank 3Private Rank 35,000 XP10,000 XP
Private Rank 4Private Rank 45,000 XP15,000 XP
Corporal Rank 5Corporal Rank 55,000 XP20,000 XP
Corporal Rank 6Corporal Rank 65,000 XP25,000 XP
Corporal Rank 7Corporal Rank 75,000 XP30,000 XP
Corporal Rank 8Corporal Rank 85,000 XP35,000 XP
Sergeant Rank 9Sergeant Rank 95,000 XP40,000 XP
Sergeant Rank 10Sergeant Rank 105,000 XP45,000 XP
Sergeant Rank 11Sergeant Rank 115,000 XP50,000 XP
Sergeant Rank 12Sergeant Rank 125,000 XP55,000 XP
Master Sergeant Rank 13Master Sergeant Rank 135,000 XP60,000 XP
Master Sergeant Rank 14Master Sergeant Rank 145,000 XP65,000 XP
Master Sergeant Rank 15Master Sergeant Rank 155,000 XP70,000 XP
Master Sergeant Rank 16Master Sergeant Rank 165,000 XP75,000 XP
Sergeant Major Rank 17Sergeant Major Rank 175,000 XP80,000 XP
Sergeant Major Rank 18Sergeant Major Rank 185,000 XP85,000 XP
Sergeant Major Rank 19Sergeant Major Rank 195,000 XP90,000 XP
Sergeant Major Rank 20Sergeant Major Rank 205,000 XP95,000 XP
Lieutenant Rank 21Lieutenant Rank 215,000 XP100,000 XP
Lieutenant Rank 22Lieutenant Rank 225,000 XP105,000 XP
Lieutenant Rank 23Lieutenant Rank 235,000 XP110,000 XP
Lieutenant Rank 24Lieutenant Rank 245,000 XP115,000 XP
Captain Rank 25Captain Rank 255,000 XP120,000 XP
Captain Rank 26Captain Rank 265,000 XP125,000 XP
Captain Rank 27Captain Rank 275,000 XP130,000 XP
Captain Rank 28Captain Rank 285,000 XP135,000 XP
Major Rank 29Major Rank 295,000 XP140,000 XP
Major Rank 30Major Rank 305,000 XP145,000 XP
Major Rank 31Major Rank 315,000 XP150,000 XP
Major Rank 32Major Rank 325,000 XP155,000 XP
Colonel Rank 33Colonel Rank 335,000 XP160,000 XP
Colonel Rank 34Colonel Rank 345,000 XP165,000 XP
Colonel Rank 35Colonel Rank 355,000 XP170,000 XP
Brigadier General Rank 36Brigadier General Rank 365,000 XP175,000 XP
Major General Rank 37Major General Rank 375,000 XP180,000 XP
Lieutenant General Rank 38Lieutenant General Rank 385,000 XP185,000 XP
General Rank 39General Rank 395,000 XP190,000 XP
Global General Rank 40Global General Rank 40-/-195,000 XP

How does the weekly experience bonus work?

The weekly experience bonus is a pool of bonus XP totaling 5,000 XP that is awarded to each player who completes a game each week. Every week this bonus is reset to 5,000 XP. The bonus can be divided into two parts.

  1. Until the first 3,500 XP are reached, a triple Bonus for the XP earned in the game. In addition, you will receive a bonus of 300 XP if you have earned 100 XP after the game.
  2. For the remaining 1,500 XP you receive a 1x bonus after each round.

When you receive reduced experience points (XP penalty)

Attention! You can receive an XP penalty if you earn too much XP in a week. To be precise, from 11,167 XP you will receive a multiplier penalty of 0.175. In the table below you can see how much XP you can earn in a week in order not to receive a reduced multiplier. For your peace of mind, the multiplier is reset every week on Wednesday.

XP earned weeklyBonus XP multiplier
Under 4,500 XP4.0x XP gained (1x XP earned + 3x weekly XP bonus)
Between 4,5000 XP and 7,5000 XP2.0x XP gained (1x XP earned + 1x weekly XP bonus)
Between 7,500 XP and 11,167 XP1.0x XP gained (1x XP earned, without weekly XP bonus)
More than 11,167 XP0.175x XP gained (0.175x XP earned)

More XP through operations missions

You can also earn more XP by playing missions in the Operations. Since the operation "Shattered Web", you receive a reward by completing a certain number of missions. The reward is a level up called "Bonus Rank XP", which gives you 5,000 XP. You will not receive a weekly package for this level up.

Bonus Rank XP to redeem
Bonus Rank XP to redeem


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