Every Counter-Strike player has heard of console commands. You can use them to immediately apply settings or changes during the game. Most of the commands in CS2 are slightly different than in CS:GO, which is why we have created a complete table with all current commands.
Change key assignment via the console
Using the console and the "bind" command, you can assign a specific action to any key.
For example, you want to assign the "noclip" command to the "P" key. Use the command for this:
- bind P "noclip"
If you want to assign several actions to one button, you must separate the actions with a semicolon (;).
- bind P "sv_cheats 1"; "noclip"
If you want to activate or deactivate the action with the same key, use "toggle" and "0" in the command.
- bind P "toggle noclip 0"
Important key assignments for the Competitive mode
We also have some important button assignments (binds) for competition mode.
bind B "use weapon_knife; use weapon_c4; drop; slot1" | Drop a bomb at the touch of a button |
alias "+hjump" "+jump; +duck"; alias "-hjump" "-jump; -duck"; bind f "+hjump" | Crouch-Jump bind |
alias +qsw "slot3";alias -qsw "lastinv";bind "G" +qsw | Quick change to knife for AWP players |
bind "KP_plus" "incrementvar cl_radar_scale 0.25 1.0 0.05" | increases the radar scale |
bind "KP_minus" "incrementvar cl_radar_scale 0.25 1.0 -0.05" | reduces the radar scale |
Tip: The Jumpthrow no longer needs to be bound in CS2, as Valve's timing has been adjusted and made much easier in CS2.
Console commands for game performance
fps_max 0 | Removes all FPS limitations. With a different value, such as 60 or 144, your FPS can be limited |
sensitivity [x] | Changes your mouse sensitivity |
disconnect | This command allows you to leave the server directly. This will save you some time and you can go straight to the next game |
quit | With this command you close the whole game Counter Strike directly |
cl_showfps | Shows you your FPS and the name of the card |
Different design to display your FPS and the map | |
cl_showfps 3 | Also a different design for the FPS display |
cq_netgraph | Same command as "net_graph" from CS:GO. Shows you all kinds of information about the game |
clear | Deletes the entire text in the Developer console |
demoui | For replays. A small window opens which allows you to rewind and fast forward |
cl_ticktiming | Displays all latencies in the game |
Console commands for the game interface
Changes the scaling of the HUD in the game | |
cl_drawhud 0 | Removes the HUD in the game. Useful for screenshots, for example |
cl_reload_hud | Reloads the HUD to default settings |
voice_mute | After that, add the name of the player you want to mute. Use the voice_mute all command to mute all games |
voice_unmute | You can use this to remove the mute function again. Use voice_unmute all to unmute all players. |
voice_scale [0 to 1] | You can use this command to adjust the volume of the voice chat |
voice_enable 0 | Deactivates the voice chat |
r_show_build_info false | Removes the display in the bottom left corner showing which version of CS2 you are in. For screenshots for Valve for bug reports leave this information on. |
Console commands for crosshair settings
The crosshairs are an important element in CS2. In this table you will find the most important Crosshair settings for the console. Alternatively, you can also look at Workshop cards create your own crosshairs.
Select crosshair color. 1 = Red; 2 = Green; 3 = Yellow; 4 = Blue; 5 = Cyan | |
cl_crosshaircolor_r [x] | Default value is 50 |
cl_crosshaircolor_g [x] | Default value is 250 |
cl_crosshaircolor_b [x] | Default value is 50 |
cl_ crosshairstle [1-4] | Changes the style of your crosshairs |
cl_crosshairthickness [x] | Changes the thickness of the crosshairs |
cl-crosshairgap [x] | Changes the distance from the lines in the center |
Console commands for training
You can use these commands to simplify training on your offline server. These include commands such as unlimited ammunition and grenades or activating flying.
sv_cheats 1 | Activates the cheats on an offline server |
launch_warmup_map Map name | Starts a server with the map in warm-up mode |
map Map name | Starts a server with the map |
noclip | With this command you can fly through walls, floors and ceilings |
god | Activates god mode (invulnerability) |
bot_kick | All bots on the server are removed |
bot_add_[ct or t] | Adds a bot to the anti-terrorists/terrorists |
bot_place | A bot is placed at your current position |
bot_crouch | All bots go into a crouch |
mp_warmup_end | Ends the warm-up time |
mp_limitteams 0 | Deactivates the team limits |
mp_autoteambalance 0 | Deactivates automatic team balancing |
mp_freezetime 0 | Deactivates the waiting time at the start of the round |
mp_roundtime 60 | Sets the maximum lap time to 60 minutes |
mp_roundtime_defuse 60 | Sets the maximum round time for bomb disposal to 60 minutes |
mp_respawn_on_death_ct 1 | Activates automatic resurrection for anti-terrorists after death |
mp_respawn_on_death_t 1 | Activates automatic resurrection for terrorists after death |
mp_maxmoney 60000 | Sets the maximum amount of money to $60,000 |
mp_startmoney 60000 | Sets the amount of money at the start of a round to $60,000 |
mp_buytime 9999 | Sets the maximum availability of the purchase menu to 9,999 seconds |
mp_buy_anywhere 1 | Purchase menu is available everywhere on the map |
sv_infinite_ammo 1 | Activates infinite ammunition for weapons and grenades |
sv_showimpacts 1 | Activates the display of projectile impacts |
sv_showimpacts_time 10 | Sets the display duration of projectile impacts to 10 seconds |
ammo_grenade_limit_total 5 | Sets the maximum grenade limit to 5 |
Activates a display for the trajectory of the grenades | |
sv_rethrow_last_grenade | Throws the last thrown grenade again |
mp_restartgame 1 | Restarts the server |
give weapon_weapon_name | You receive the specified weapon |
give weapon_flashbang | You will receive a flashbang grenade. Also possible with Molotov cocktail and smoke grenade |
TipSelect useful commands and assign all these commands to one key so that you don't have to enter all commands again each time.
Console commands for your viewmodel
viewmodel_fov [54 to 68] | This is where you set your field of vision. The default setting is 60 |
Positions the weapon further to the left or right | |
viewmodel_offset_y [-2 to 2] | Increases or decreases the distance to the weapon |
viewmodel_offset_z [-2 to 2] | Positions the weapon further up or down |
viewmodel_presetpos [x] | Preset fields of view: 1 = desktop view, 2 = couch view, 3 = normal view |
viewmodel_recoil [0 to 1] | Changes how much recoil you experience on your screen. |
Console commands for your radar
The radar is also an important element in the game and has many setting options. You can center it, make it larger or smaller and rotate it.
cl_radar_scale [0.25 to 1] | Changes the map scale |
cl_radar_always_centered [0 to 1] | The map is always centered on your position |
Scales the symbols on the radar | |
cl_radar_rotate [0 to 1] | Activates or deactivates the radar rotation |
cl_hud_bomb_under_radar [0 to 1] | Displays the bomb on the radar when you are carrying it |