The best settings in CS2 (professional settings)

The best settings for CS2
The best settings for CS2

CS2 is a highly competitive game in which every opportunity should be used to gain a small advantage. In the following, we will show you the best settings for CS2 so that you can secure an advantage over many opponents.

The best CS2 graphics settings

The performance, i.e. that the game runs smoothly and without stuttering, is the most important thing in CS2. Playing with lags is not only no fun, but also has major disadvantages. For this reason, the right graphics settings are essential to ensure that your game always runs smoothly. Here's what you should keep in mind for your graphics settings in CS2:

  • Multisampling antialiasing mode - 4x MSAA (or CMAA2 for even more FPS)
  • Global shadow quality - Medium (Low only if there is no other option)
  • Model/texture details - Medium
  • Texture filter mode - Bilinear
  • Shader detail - Low
  • Particle details - Low
  • Environmental concealment - Medium (not on low, as medium offers an advantage in the game)
  • High color contrast (HDR) - Quality (performance for even more FPS)
  • FidelityFX Super Resolution (FSR) - Deactivated (Highest quality) (Can be activated for more FPS)
The best CS2 graphics settings
The best CS2 graphics settings

In addition to the graphics settings in CS2, settings in your graphics card or in Windows can also make a big difference to the performance of CS2. To learn more about how to get more FPS out of CS2, check out our article: CS2: Get more FPS (All possibilities) over.

Is 4:3 or 16:9 better?

The Decision between the aspect ratio 4:3 and 16:9 is purely personal preference. Most professionals play with an aspect ratio of 4:3, but since CS2 there are also a considerable number of CS2 professionals who play with an aspect ratio of 16:9 or 16:10.

The advantage of 4:3 is that the player models are displayed wider, while the advantage of 16:9 is that you have a better overview. So you can decide for yourself which suits your style of play better and gives you the greater advantage.

The best refresh rate in CS2

Your refresh rate should always match that of your monitor. 144 Hz monitors obviously have an advantage over 60 Hz monitors as they can display more than twice as many frames per second. If you play CS2 competitively, we definitely recommend a 144 Hz, if not a 240 Hz monitor, if you have the money for it.

But always remember that your computer must be able to provide enough FPS in CS2, otherwise the higher refresh rate will not help you, as there are not enough frames per second available.

The best mouse settings and key assignments in CS2

The relevance of mouse sensitivity should not be underestimated. Even if mouse sensitivity is largely based on personal preference, there are limits that should not be exceeded or undercut.

The eDPI is best for comparing mouse sensitivity. It makes it possible to compare the mouse sensitivity independently of the hardware. Calculate your eDPI and compare it with the eDPI's of the professionals. Your eDPI should not deviate too far from that of the professionals, if it deviates too far it probably means that your mouse sensitivity is set far too low or too high.

For comparison: Professionals play on average with an eDPI of around 850. AWP players play with a slightly higher average eDPI of approx. 1000.

It often happens that beginners play with a mouse sensitivity that is far too high. This makes it much more difficult to land the crosshair on the enemy model, as the space in which the mouse is on the enemy becomes smaller and smaller.

Keyboard assignments (keybinds) in CS2

Some key mappings can be very helpful when playing CS2. On the one hand, we recommend that you set a key mapping for all grenades so that you can quickly access all grenades when you need them. On the other hand, it can also be useful for veteran CS:GO players to have a Jumpthrow even if it is no longer absolutely necessary in CS2.

Optimal CS2 audio settings

Sound is one of the most important factors in CS2. Important information can be obtained through the sound, which can often even be decisive for the game. Even though the headphones have a big influence on the sound of the game, they are not the most important thing. Through the correct audio settings in CS2 you can get the most out of the sound with any headphones. You should use the following settings for the optimum settings:

  • Total volume - 100%
  • Audio device - Standard device
  • EQ profile - Clear
  • L/R isolation - 0%
  • Perspective correction - Yes
  • Activate voice chat - Push-To-Talk
  • Volume for voice chats - 100%
  • Simplified Push-To-Talk - No
  • Play sound when playing minimized - No
The best audio settings in CS2
The best audio settings in CS2

The best crosshairs in CS2

There are not many specifications for the crosshairs, you should like them yourself. However, try to observe the following points when creating it:

  • The crosshairs should not be too large
  • The crosshairs should not be too small
  • The crosshairs should be clearly visible against any background

If you are still looking for the right crosshairs we have a suggestion for a good crosshair for you.

Crosshairs for CS2

If you want to adopt and modify this crosshair, use the following Corsshair code:


The best CS2 radar settings

The Radar is one of the most important toolsto obtain reliable information. With the right settings, it will be easier for you to find your way around the radar and get as much information as possible.

The best settings for the radar are as follows:

  • Center radar on players - Yes
  • Rotating radar - Yes
  • HUD radar size - 0.9
  • Radar map zoom - 0.4
  • Switch form with score - Yes

Bonus: The best start options and commands in CS2

With the right console commands and start options, you can squeeze the last bit of optimization out of CS2. Start options and commands might be of interest to you:

  • -high - Ensures that the process priority of CS2 is set to high (more FPS)
  • + fps max 144 - Sets the maximum FPS to 144 (set the optimum FPS value for you)
  • -cl_showfps 1 - Displays the FPS so that you can always keep an eye on performance

For all start options, take a look at our article: CS2: The best start options (complete list with explanations) over.

Another command that can be very helpful in CS2 is  r_show_build_info false. It ensures that the build info is hidden at the bottom left of the screen. 

Summary - The best settings in CS2

To summarize, there is not always one best setting. It is important that you take your own preferences into account and find the best settings for you. You should try out a lot and test the different settings. Once you have tried everything, you should finalize your settings and train with these settings.
